So that face you pull when…
When you’re fighting the greatest swordsman on earth, but you know something he doesn’t know.
When you’re up against a Scicilian and death is on the line.
You clean your ear with a q-tip.
… when the Final Jeopardy clue is as easy as your middle name.
You are trying so hard to be “cool” it comes off as the “constipated look”
you make bubbles in the pool, expecting to be inconspicuous
The Reptile version of the friends phrase "how you doin’
Haa I tittered
yes it is lol
ha brilliant
… you scratch your back in just the right spot.
… you think you might see a waxworm off in the distance.
yes, good morning I will have some coffee, please.
@t_h_wyman face when he sees a known breeder use the term co-dom
This is great!
This is perfect
Duuuuude, that was soooooo cooool.
The face you make when you just got away from getting in trouble by your teacher because of a missing assianment lol