I have had my first snake now for 3 weeks. She came to us during shed and needed to shed badly. After 3 weeks she still wasn’t shedding. The humidity is on and the machine is on as well. I soaked her in a Lukewarm bath for a couple minutes daily. And she still didn’t shed. I helped her a little bit, and even let her use me as help to shed cause she likes shedding on me for some reason. But, she still won’t shed. She has multiple woods in there to rub up against. She still wont shed. Should I help her shed a little?
Are you sure she hasn’t already shed? Sometimes they will hide it in the weirdest corners or under decor. It’s not always a long streamer of skin, sometimes they’re just rolled into little balls with poop and pee inside.
Do you have a current photo of her so we can see how she looks right now?
I can’t take any photos atm cause the device I am on doesn’t have a camera really. And I don’t have my phone until some legal things are over.
Yes, I am sure. She had scale rot for a little while there and we got rid of it of course. But she has paper towels as bedding to help with the scale rot. I searched all over the enclosure for her shed and there was none at all. I will wait until a week and update you on whatever else I do to help her shed. If she does I will tell you.
Soaks should be a minimum 30 minutes but an hour is acceptable.
Are you sure this snake is in shed? If so, how did you determine that it was in shed?
What is the humidity in her enclosure? How long are you soaking her?
A snake being in shed for three weeks with no progress sounds very odd to me, so I’m just trying to get a better idea of what might be going on.