Supporting Old Snakes

When I worked in a vet office, we did this a lot for rodents, and when I dewormed a few snakes years ago I inserted the dewormer into the ft mice with an oral syringe🤔


Yep sounds familiar! :+1::blush:

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I took in an Arizona mountain kingsnake from a family member a couple years ago. He was very skinny, regurgitating, and they dropped him off in a closure that probably hadn’t been cleaned for a while/no water bowl. Occasionally I could get him to take small mice, too large and he would regurgitate, so I would go smaller but he only ever digested two, so I tried an African soft fur hopper and he took it no problem. Continued with the hoppers for a bit and eventually he took the next size, since he has now gained a full appetite but he never wraps his food, I’m guessing from arthritis. He also has cataracts which came on as he started looking better, I don’t think he can see well but he’s eating and shedding like a champ so I would suggest asf rats as they seem to have larger bones than mice.


Hello @jandeexotics and welcome to the forum! Lots of great people here and we have lots of fun!

How kind of you to take in that poor creature! It hurts my heart when I think of animals being neglected but this one you rescued sounds like he is doing a turn around! That’s fantastic news!

I have never fed the asf rats but I have read that they are a great alternative to the regular white rats. Anyway I’m so glad your guy is eating well on the asfs. Btw we all love pictures……:pray: please??? Lol! And does he have a name? :blush:


Yes, please, post a picture!


Just came across this thread. How kind of you, @laurakuzmeski and @jandeexotics to take in older animals who needed you. :heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: How are they doing now?


Weaver is doing great. Much more active than I expected him to be! And a very sweet gentleman. I love him a lot


Awww. :blush: I’m glad to hear that Weaver is doing so well. Thanks for the update!

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