What are some of the best boa constrictor morphs to invest in?

ca makes such beautiful reds, what a spectacular male you have caron, hes gorgeous :slight_smile: also as far as jungle , IIRC jungle has to have broken headspears, within like 99% certainty :slight_smile: also like it was mentioned, sunglows are a great entry point into the hobby, alot of people gravitate to the wild colors, heres a short clip of my aztec motley sunglow (sharp blue line) TikTok - Make Your Day

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Based off that description check out “long tailed boas” - Longicuada. There is a hypermelanistic type ( I believe that’s what they are called) that get very dark as they age.

Here is a stock image I pulled off Google.

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Thank you so much for the kind words @thebeastiary!