She was sold to me as a GHI HYPO HET PUZZLE what do you all think? So people i ask say no visible hypo.
No visual hypo. I can definitely see GHI.
You could always send in a shed skin sample to test for het hypo and puzzle if you want to make sure.
The GHI is obvious but I personally do not see Hypo.
The alien heads that are typical with GHIs are really dark like your little one here, unlike Hypo GHIs where the alien heads are much clearer and lighter.
As well as the black… in Hypos this would be a lighter brown color.
Yea i figured id do a 2 gene test to be for sure
Not hypo. I hatched out two ghi hypos this summer.
This is one of the girls, a photo of her I received with an update on her.
Here is the other.
Mom is a ghi het hypo pied. You can see the difference and how Violet looks like your girl.
She does look busier than I would expect for ghi het hypo, so I am tentatively leaning towards saying it’s puzzle doing that - but it’s hard to tell from those to photos alone since I can’t see all the markers I usually look for, and I don’t know the pairing that produced her.
Personally I would contact the seller about the mislabel over hypo (if that’s the case, I know I sometimes get genes mixed up on snakes I’ve purchased that were labeled correctly) and talk with them over that particular topic. But as I said, without more photos and/or knowing the pairing, I cannot say for certain if she’s carrying puzzle or not. You absolutely can ID heterozygous puzzle, but since it isn’t as dramatic as homozygous it was incorrectly labeled as recessive. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but seeing as I’ve correctly ID’d multiple het puzzles and have been able to prove consistent attributes across multiple snakes of varying genetics… The evidence is pretty damning, to say the least.