I got her around a week or so ago, and was told she’s less than a year old and a Tangerine morph. I don’t think so. Wondering if she looks healthy or not and what kind of morph she is??
It’s hard to really see her back and tail in these photos. That can help possibly ID better.
Color will continue to develop on a leopard gecko until they’re much larger, so especially with the orange coming in on the sides and head, a pet quality tangerine is likely. I can’t see the number of spots on the back, but they look like a super hypo.
From what I can see of the tail, she looks healthy. To continue keeping her healthy be sure to provide her some good vitamins and calcium powder regularly.
Her lower lip is also really shiny, so is the middle of her top lip. Is this considered normal?
If she’s licking a lot it the shininess is fine.
She does look like a healthy weight with the overhead photo. And does look like she’ll keep the spots on her back under 5 so I still think she’s going to be a super hypo. The tangerine will really depend on her lineage. But there’s a lot of varience in the coloring from the pet store quality to the extreme reds you’ll see in bloodlines like “Blood” or “Mandarin”
So I should probably wait till she’s older to get more info?
If you don’t have any info on the parents from the breeder then there’s no way to know any further info. She would just be considered ‘super hypo tangerine’. lines like ‘blood’ or ‘mandarin’ aren’t genes that get passed on like albino and blizzard or snow in leopard geckos. they’re line bred traits or polymorphic genes. They were bred by a specific breeder for generations to achieve that color. If it wasn’t bred to another in that line then it would be called a cross and not considered to be pure bloodline anymore.