What reptiles will you NEVER* keep and why?

I hear ya! :joy:


Snakes with medically significant venom (self explanatory) they’re beautiful and I enjoy seeing videos or pics and watching from afar but I’m too nervous to keep them myself.

Anything lizard/monitor/iguana wise larger than an ackie or a bearded dragon. (Have back issues and likely need another surgery sometime soon so the logistics of caring for them properly is a concern for me) still love them all though! Have kept some in the past….Just easier for me to care for cresties/leopards/fat tail geckos with my space and health constraints.

Any giant size snake (see above) just space and handling wouldn’t be easy on me. Though again I think retics and burms are gorgeous. As are green /yellow anacondas. Think the largest I might be able to comfortably care for would be a BCI/BCC(a male) :joy:indigos, cribos, false water cobras. Though those are more bucket list species as I’m partial to large naturalistic enclosures for something like those.

Large aquatic/semi aquatic species. Crocodilians, caiman lizards. (Maybe if I won the lotto) :joy:

And I too am fine with all animals except centipedes (the large ones) and bobbit worms freak me out. (Had a marine tank years ago and you never know what kind of crazy stuff hides in live rock) it’s always a surprise!


Yes! I knew many people from my school who were very casual Beardie keepers, and they would assume they could keep it in a 10-20 gallon tank with a single hide and a heat mat under the center of it, and feed it fruit for its entire life because it was supposed to be a “beginner” lizard. I did the best I could to give them constructive suggestions without sounding judgmental, but the correct way to keep a Bearded dragon is easier said than done for a beginner.

It also doesn’t help that some of the biggest chain pet stores suggest that you keep them in a 10 gal aquarium for their entire life :confused:


There’s nothing I wouldn’t keep…
I’m happy to own anything atleast once! How amazing would that be :heart_eyes:


reticulated python ,anaconda ,burmese python… Why you ask? I am 5’0 and 110lbs soaking wet :laughing: my husband doesn’t handle snakes often and I’m sure I would be a goner.


Bush vipers. Because they are beautiful and amazing and my wife says no :-1:t4:


Yeah, I remember when I got my beardie when I was a kid, and most of the care guides I read suggested 40 gallons as the minimum acceptable size. :roll_eyes: Fortunately for my beardie, my mom had an old 65gal tank that she’d used as a saltwater aquarium years ago, so she gave that to me for my beardie. In hindsight, it was still on the small side, but at least it was better than what a lot of beardies get subjected to. And at least I knew to give him a nice hot basking spot with UVB, plenty of things to climb, and a varied diet of live insects and greens.


Good luck but if their near as scared as I am of spider you dont stand much of a chance, lol.


Chameleons. Of any kind.
I’ve researched their care. They’re just too sensitive with their humidity/watering requirements. Humidifiers, automatic watering systems, misting systems, etc. Not to mention how easily they get stressed. I prefer reptiles that I can forget about for a day or two and not have to worry about them.


Ball Pythons, anything heavily commercialized, or a morph of any herp.


Venomous- I have family that depends on me not worth the risk?


Yeah I have heard that is how it works most of the time :joy:


My previous roommate had a chameleon, and I honestly didn’t find her care too overwhelming. But you do have to mist them several times a day unless you have an automatic mister. Still, it’s not really any more labour-intensive than other herps with moderate to high humidity requirements. The only thing that made it a little more challenging was the fact that those mesh chameleon enclosures tend to dry out faster than tubs and tanks, so they need to be misted down more often.

But the chameleon was a lot of fun to observe and interact with, especially around feeding time. There’s really nothing that compares to seeing that long sticky tongue in action! Plus their colour-changing abilities are fun to watch. We have a weeping fig tree in our backyard, and we’d break off branches to put in her enclosure. When the branches were fresh, she’d be a bright, vibrant green, and as the leaves would start to die and turn brown, she’d turn brown to match them. Rinse and repeat as we’d replace the old branches with fresh ones.

The main reason why chameleons aren’t something I’m anxious to keep myself are just their relatively short lifespans compared to a lot of other reptiles. Plus they tend to get stressed out by too much handling, and I like to be able to handle my reptiles without having to be too overly worried about breaking them or harming their health.


I probably will never keep turtles or anything that requires an aquatic system setup. I just don’t like dealing with water stuff and while I like those animals, I just don’t think I’d be able to stop myself from neglecting them due to a reluctance to keep up with the maintenance of the water setup. I could see this changing if I ever partnered up with someone who does like the aquatics and they would be willing to take over that aspect of care.

I also don’t have an interest in keeping anything smaller than a cave gecko or that has a short lifespan (under 7 years). Nor do I have an interest in anything with medically significant venom.


Not interested in keeping turtles or tortoises. Not interested in large snakes. Not interested in reptiles that are quick and difficult to handle. I like all of these but don’t think I would enjoy owning them.


I want a pair of OGS & Albino Retics more than you could imagine… But realistically I know I’m gonna enjoy 50% of the time while they are a juvenile and 5% as an adult. I think it will be easier to just let @lumpy handle the big boys and I’ll make a visit once in a while :laughing:

I have absolutely no interest in “hots”. Sure some are nice, but I’m good looking at them on the screen. Again, I’ll leave that to Don and arrange a visit.

Wayne hit my thoughts exactly here


Lol, I wouldn’t mind :rofl:


Lulz wut? I have two snakes, and neither is a ball python. I also have a fairly lengthy wishlist…which does not include ball pythons. :joy:


Someone’s in a bad mood today :open_mouth:

This is a great thread, enjoy it, add to it like the rest of us and you might have a better time here with us all! :wink:

Also I shall add Crystals are lovely to own. (Pet rocks, they count right!) :joy:

Oh and WELCOME to the community, I do hope you like the other threads more than this one, and please do comment and be involved with all our lovely threads/talks, we do like our newbies :hugs:
Maybe an introduction thread? :grin:


The only thing I’ll ever keep is ball pythons…maybe. :joy:

Hope this helps.