Howdy guys.
What has been your nightmare project to work on? How many tries have you had at it? Are you going to keep trying?
Have you failed to produce anything from your visuals or hets that for certain should have popped up by now odds-wise?
Howdy guys.
What has been your nightmare project to work on? How many tries have you had at it? Are you going to keep trying?
Have you failed to produce anything from your visuals or hets that for certain should have popped up by now odds-wise?
Not a nightmare really but I put a pair together last year with the hopes of producing a specific combo… And when the eggs dropped it finally occurred to me that the odds of hitting that one specific combo were 1:128. Unsurprisingly, I missed the combo I was shooting for LOL I still got some decent stuff though so I am not terribly disappointed
What was it you were hoping for? (if you don’t mind me asking).
Think of it as now being 1:128 minus the amount of eggs you got last year. Huge odds but are you going to go for it again?
I was shooting for either BlkPastel Cypress OD YB or BlkPastel Cypress Enchi OD YB. I am trying the pairing again, I am not holding out high hopes because it is still phenomenally slim odds I will hit it but the net outcome of the clutch should still be really nice so I do not mind the repeat
That would be a god damn powerhouse if you hit it. But your right, everything that comes out of a clutch like that is still going to be a pleasure to own.
those would be some beautiful animals! heres to hoping you hit it this season!