What types of large feeders do you use?

I’ve been looking into larger feeders and potentially supplying stillborn, newborn (birthed but did not survive), and piglets as large feeders. I have connections to a number of hog farms and could have a good supply of varying sizes (would need some positive feedback to pursue).

Would anyone be interested in piglets as feeders?

I would absolutely love if you supplied bigger feeders. My snakes are getting upwards in size and is transitioning to rabbits this week.

There needs to be a side gig on MorphMarket to breed and sell humanely killed frozen feeders. (And maybe categories for selling used freezers, racks, incubators etc)

I know it’s a stretch, but I’m sure everyone here would love that option!

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To answer the question though, I feed all sizes of rats and mice (my collection’s feed size varies significantly), guinea pigs, rabbits now, and soon to be adult chickens