Now, keep in mind, when I adopted this little one, I never verified whether they were male or female, but I’m pretty sure “he” was the particular pronoun used to refer to them at the time. That said, I began to suspect this was incorrect. I know it’s possible I have a really short-tailed male, but I wanted outside opinions. I do plan to have DNA sexing done so there will eventually be a definitive answer.
Okay, I just had to comment because your nails are SO cool!
I’m not super experienced with hognose sexing, but that looks female to me.
Thank you! I have a fondness for indie nail polish, if you can’t tell. I also appreciate your opinion on the sex of this little one. Tail is very much similar to my confirmed females, and I’m getting a scale count of around 35. I’m actually rather excited to have another female if everything checks out!
Idk about the snake’s gender, but I love the nails, too! I assume you’ll be about to tell your mystery snake’s gender when it either grows too big to be a boy or doesn’t. Hoggies have pretty distinct sexual dimorphism, don’t they? At what age does that become apparent?
Usually you can tell pretty early on, and at this point, I’m almost sure Diglett is actually a she versus a he. I checked the feeding card that was sent home, no gender listed there. I have Togepi, my known female, and they’re basically the same size, tail shape/scale count. Males usually have notably longer tails, even from a young age.
I would feel pretty comfortable saying that is a little lady. How old and whats the weight?
She was hatched in May, non feeder for a while (feeding records for her start in August) which is why she was adopted out. Currently weighs in at 12g.
If you’re happy she’s a she, that’s a lovely bonus.
I didn’t adopt her for any genes (as far as I know, she has none), and while I need a male, it’s not like a hatchling would have been big enough by spring anyways. I’ll gladly have an adorable little normal girl, especially since her fee was incredibly reasonable at $100. Besides, I adopted her the day after I put my hoggie boy down, so it was more of a, “The universe is telling me this little one belongs here” kind of thing. Her being a girl is just the cherry one top.
Yes, I remembered the circumstances around your adoption of this little cutie. It’s a lovely gesture on the part of the universe to give you the cherry on top. You are certainly deserving!
I will happily take this rare win. She’s settled in a treat, too, and is now on unscented pinkies.