Why do my ball pythons act like they want to be together?


I had two female snakes who are paired that I recently separated by divider to test something - same thing, they dug a legit hole in dirt substrate to connect every time I tried to fill it in. Categorically refused to be apart.

In this thread I challenge some assumptions about ball python social behavior. I wouldn’t inherently assume dominance or a link with not feeding, though both are a possibility. Given my observations on F/F pairings, a likely possibility is that they socialize fine and that one is arbitrarily not eating. Would still check by testing the feeding behavior after both time together and apart, but my picky feeders are picky independent of social state.

And trust your instincts - if it looks like they want to be together, I’m pretty confident they do. My observation is females overwhelmingly trend towars social/physical ‘contact.’