Would you guys like a ball python morph classifier?

Lol exhibit a


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That animal is listed as a Pastel Mojave Lesser… Not a BEL.

It mentions that the sire (father) was a Mojave Lesser BEL though.


It lists the traits of the snake as lesser Mojave and leopard. Unless I’m dumb wouldn’t that make it all white with blue eyes haha


Mistakes are made so that could be a reason. Most people that are familiar will ball pythons can still easily distinguish if a animal is a Bel or not since it is pretty easy to tell. If someone list a animal as a super mojave or a Mojave lesser I dont think they need to explicitly tell you it is a Bel since saying a it is a lesser Mojave is the same thing as saying it is a bel. There are also just so many bel combos that it is easier to just say the exact genes then just selling it as a generic blue eye Lucy.


Ah right, it seems I completely misunderstood your whole point :roll_eyes:.


I mean I’m still new and dumb to most of this so all input is very welcome haha. For a second there I was like wait!.. A snake can be lesser and Mojave and not turn all white!:scream: My life is a lie :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Haha but ya with data scraping it’s pretty all or nothing so I would have to find a way to fix all the misclassifications


Your exact quote from above said this (emphasis added is mine)

You will note that nowhere, in that direct quote of your post, do you mention Mojave/Lesser.

You then when on to contend that the seller was lying by selling a MysticPotion as a BluEL

Your exhibit completely contradicts what you had previously claimed to have seen. A MysticPotion is Mystic + Mojave. Mystic and Mojave are both part of the BluEL complex and, when combined in one animal, make a BluEL that has a small degree of pigmentation and pattern.


For the sake of argument, I’d scrap the idea.

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Ping me. I’m already quite far into coding a collection tracking and gene mapping app with similar designs.

I’m confident we can hit very high accuracy.


I agree with this completely. Mystic potion, mystic crystal, crystals, super specials are all technically bels. But a lot of these have a lot of patterns and I would never “label” them as bels

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Sounds like an awsome project. Unfortunately, and I hope I’m wrong, I think data set reliability is going to be a big hurdle. Especially when dealing with multi gene combos that even the experts can only make a best guess at.

Even if you can’t get it to an high degree of accuracy there, if you can reach the accuracy to identify variations in base morphs morphs and turn it to identify worthwhile dinkers. I know that presents it’s own issues and challenges , but if you have the time and access to enough industrial strength caffeine to go down that coding rabbit hole…


I think a functioning app that is even half-way accurate would be very fun!
I, personally, would rather see the experts in each morph actually fill in a functional description on a site like WorldofBallPythons. What would be awesome to see is close-up pictures of defining characteristics of the gene involved. A description would be great, as well as genes that present similarly. Although this can’t be a catch-all, it would definitely help the breeder who knows his/her pairings. If there is something like this out there, I would love to be informed. If not, why can’t we do something like this?


Morph Encyclopedia (In Progress) Part 2 :wink:

I would be. Thanks!