24g Male Red Spot / Inkspot Superdal with Portholes Crested Gecko

Item Details

Donated by: Candice (White) Hagberg - Candie Cresteds

Contact: candice@candiecresteds.com

Item: 24g Male Red Spot / Inkspot Superdal with Portholes Crested Gecko

Description: Produced by Candie Cresteds. Pairing between Chester (Scaredy Cat Geckos Francesca son) X Cleo (From Supernova Exotics, no lineage available).
Amazing deep and bright red tones with stunning portholes. Perfect head on this fella. Red Spots as well as Ink Spots covering him. Please Feel free to email with any other questions!

Who pays shipping?: Buyer pays Fedex Priority Overnight shipping as calculated by Reptiles2You and must be picked up at a Fedex Hub.


Bidding directions:

Auction winner will send their winning bid amount to Kellagood711@gmail.com (via Friends & Family) and then post screenshot proof of the donation in comments under this auction. Once verified by an admin the poster and seller (see email above) will need to contact each other for shipping details.

Overtime will start in the last 5 mins of the auction, if no bids are placed in the last 5 minutes, the donation post is over, if someone bids within the last 5 min that will start a new 5 min clock until we go 5 min with no bids.


No value or min starting bid so I guess I’ll start the ball rolling with $200


Thanks for catching my oversight, Good call :wink: We kindly appreciate it!


Ill bid $205

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Lets make it $210

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@wolfie_green my friend it’s yours for 210!

Please follow these instructions carefully.

Send your Bid amount to Kellagood711@gmail.com (as Friends and Family, NOT Goods and Services, please) and post the screenshot on the auction. If possible, please mention who donated the item you are paying for, or what the item was to help us keep track of things more easily.

When you have done this, we will contact the seller to give the green light for arranging shipping and they will be paid for any charges you are responsible for. Please email this seller at candice@candiecresteds.com to do so. Additional charges (as detailed above) and conditions may apply here.

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Im assuming paypal correct?

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Done. Sent from @taylerbrown384

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