25 Gram Hatchling, Help Please

25 Gram Hatchling. First clutch and had some humidity issues because of to much air flow in the tub. Egg was very small and was almost pancaked so I cut this at day 56. Other 3 eggs are okay and I lost 2.

Baby is moving around okay, do I wait for first shed or try to feed soon?

Thank you in advanced. New to this and Im really passionate about the hobby and this first clutch is giving me such anxiety.


Oh my goodness how simply adorable! :two_hearts:and very interesting coloring as well! I do not breed but I am going to say you need to wait for the first shed. It usually takes about 10 days for baby boas so probably around the same for bps. I know you are concerned as I would be but he should have some egg yolk sustenance in his (or her) little belly for a few days at least.

Congratulations on your first clutch @storm_exotics! As you know there are tons of people here who will guide you through the process! Try not to worry too much right this very moment about your tiny one. It might take a little special care to get him into a strong feeding mode but you both will get there! :heart_eyes:


Awesome little one!
Definitely wait for it to shed.
Good luck!


If it absorbed all of it’s yolk in the egg, then it should have the nutrition to make it through the shed and try to feed it as you would any other. If it doesn’t make it through the shed, then there may have been other factors at play. I hatched a 30 gram baby last year from a boob egg. I had to start with 6 gram mouse pinkies, but it ate fine. If it didn’t absorb its yolk, then you may want to attempt to feed it now. Hope the little one makes it for you.


I agree with @graysnake !
I hatched a 27 gram hatchling who didn’t absorb her yolk. She did need assist feeding on day 2 out of the egg. We did mouse pinkies.

She did take a long time to get started on her own. She hatched late in July and didn’t eat on her own until the start of Nov. But eventually she did take a mouse hopper on her own and never stopped.

Still smaller than her clutchmates but eats just as well.


Ah yes @graysnake! I was trying to remember who else had a tiny baby! So a baby may possibly not absorb all its yolk in certain situations? Can you tell by looking at the belly fullness or by looking at the egg? Did you offer food to your little boy one before it shed to be safe?


You can tell if the snake hasn’t absorbed the yolk because it will still be in the egg as it tries to leave it. Sometimes the umbilicus will tear. Other times, the umbilicus will get wrapped around the babies body. The resolution may be to tie off the umbilicus and cut it but that assures the baby doesn’t absorb the yolk and so you must assist feed it.


Ok thank you so very much @graysnake! I will file this away for future reference! :+1:


Like I said this is my first clutch ever but it didnt look like all the yolk was absorbed especially compared to the other 3 snakes who came out normally. Its my first time seeing inside a reptile egg. Sadly I dont know anyone around here who was willing to help me out from the get go so had to research as much as I could. To avoid it dying is there any harm in assist feeding it a pinky mouse or is that a bad idea? Its basically just staying in one spot and not cruising around like the others. Id hate to lose it.

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If you feel like it didnt absorb all the yolk, then you can try. Whatever you decide just understand that this little one may not be, meant to make it for whstever reason. So try your best but dont beat yourself up over a poor outcome if it occurs.


@storm_exotics Like @graysnake says, sometimes nature doesn’t behave as we want it to. Nothing you did caused the egg to malfunction. This is the chance you take when you breed animals. Pure and simple.

If it were me I would definitely try to get something in that little baby’s tummy asap, even if it’s just a mouse tail. But I would start with a nice ft pink first. If that doesn’t work then a day or 2 later a tail. Just something to entice the little guy with a feeding response. Even if you just get a mouse tail in the belly that’s better than nothing.

There is one more thing you can try and that is a vet assist feed by a reptile vet ONLY. A reptile vet can tube feed some nutritious high caloric food into the little guy to sustain him while you are offering rodents to him. Of course this method will cost you but not as much as you might think, after the initial exam fee of course.

If the little guy is just sitting all curled up he is probably in a depressed state, not mentally of course, but physically so there’s no time to waste.

Now others please jump in if anything needs to be added to or taken away from what I have suggested. Please say so because I think time is of the essence for this little sweet baby.

And @storm_exotics as @graysnake said, there is a chance that no matter what you do, this baby may not make it. so DO NOT blame yourself for a loss of life that was above and beyond your control. Nature is not always kind to us, only to itself.

Keep updates coming…… :pray::heart:

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All of the signs are adding up. Lethargic, saw yolk in the egg still and the last photo of the baby does look thin… assist feed would be a recommended option if you want to intervene.

As mentioned, losses happen. I lost one in my 3rd clutch ever. I also had a seemingly healthy baby I purchased just die one night. Nature can be cruel. You may still lose this one to something else we may not be able to see. It’s up to you on how you want to proceed.

If a mouse pinky seems like too much, as mentioned above, a mouse tail can do in a pinch as well. I’ve used that for corn snakes in the past.

The other thing to remember also is you are responsible for these little guys. You need to be prepared to make the hard decisions. And that includes when to euthanize if needed. It’s the hard reality you need to face as a breeder. It sucks. I almost had to make that decision this year on one.

From what you have mentioned in this thread… I would do the assist feed. If it takes it well, then I would monitor and decide later on how to proceed with feedings. If it reguges, sadly that would be the sign for me to euthanize.

Sending good vibes regardless for the little one and keep us updated!