40c 104f plus ++ predicted for the uk next week unprecedented temperatures. what do I do?

*Translation Note For Reference: In the UK the First Floor is the one above the Ground Floor. In the USA people refer to the Ground Floor as the First Floor, with the next up being the Second Floor.

Oh, another Heat Reducing trick is to stick aluminium foil into the windows of every south facing side. That way you reduce the greenhouse effect of sunlight coming in and heating your space. The south corner windows of my house used to make that bedroom roasting hot, back before I got better windows, so I stuck a windscreen sunshield thing- the kind you unfold and put up to keep the car from overheating- in that window. (Do you guys have those? It doesn’t get very hot over there until recent years so I dunno if you have them but you could probably get them.)


Well that would depend on where you are in the world, what snakes you keep and what your internal temperatures are.
The uk isn’t generally warm and when it is outside it often isn’t inside. If you have everything on thermostats, if your interior got too warm the heating in the enclosures wouldn’t come on any way. So there shouldn’t be any need to turn anything off.

Thanks for the trans-atlantic translation, i didn’t know,n :roll_eyes:
A simple thing can mean so much difference,

Yea we can get the car things here too, even in relatively warm temperatures a car can get so hot to kill a dog.but the aluminum foil (or aluminum foil USA) is a really good idea. But because its crinkly it does not reflect much more than white. So I have got thick flexible white plastic and used that on my south facing windows,


I have heard that this works better than ** aluminum** foil (USA translation i think- ** Aluminum** foil )
(there are other companies not recommending this one, just considering the product)

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Ooh yeah that stuff! If you don’t mind sticking the stuff up, it’s definitely the most efficient and aesthetic option. With the added plus that you can still see through it!

Your translation is exact! Lol. I learned recently that apparently English just uses the two spellings/pronunciations as BOTH correct, which I think is pretty cool. Easier than an argument.

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We are the same culture, beliefs and politics basicity (UK and USA) with a few spelling and word differences, why let that drive us and our learning appart :slight_smile:

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Its been bad but worst is coming +40C = 105 farsight or more , mental highest ever record braking temperature’s for the previous cool summer UK climate.
(met office means british main official metrological weather information information system )

Edit: the female paramedic in the video is hot :wink: sometimes hot is good :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

This will be the norm for things to come. So definitely invest in a new portable AC unit. I know it is probably miserable for you especially not use to having such heat.

I hate the heat but have come to expect hot days. Try to stay cool and keep your babies thriving.

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I think we’ll be ok.

Highest ever recorded for uk was 38.2? I think it said.

If ya look on weather app Monday it’s said to be 36 degrees Celsius, Which will be highest next week. But I mean I really don’t see it happening since they were wrong about this week…

Keep checking your weather app! That’s what I do :joy:

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Get a chillwell portable personal cooling machine. My building was getting 95/96 every day for a week while waiting on mine to arrive in time for summer heat wave here in the U.S an that was running ac it had inside incubator 95/96 2 units cooled the whole building by 10 degrees. An they just plug into any usb port. They are basically what people call a swamp cooler its 2 small fine mist misters set up infront of a fan. Also you can chose 6 different setting .
You could put one inside your incubator an just keep temp low enough instead of a whole room or house. However be forewarned they raise humidity because that’s how it cools by the mist being evaporated

You can do web search for powered swamp coolers there is if remember right there’s 3 that all claim that they personally came up with there version. Lol funny part all 3 look just alike other then name on them im talking size, fan specs, mister specs, units color.

You can fill water reservoir with ice on very hot days then top off with water so mist it is spraying is literally ice cold.

Oh yeah my building is dark brown so gains heat in winter double insulated with 2 fans in attic to help combat the summer heat. Those lil 10×10 cubes can knock the heat down massively. However they only work good if kept with water at all times. They don’t hold much a couple cups of water. An the colder you set it to run the quicker it runs out of water an power. On max cooling lucky if get 4 hours off water tank on low lasts 12 hours if remember what they say itll do.

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Likely wouldn’t work as well for him, as he’s in the UK and very humid over there. The swamp coolers work well for more dry environments


All apps get their information form the UK metrological office which give a lower temperature than reality.
This is because the met office records temperatures in the UK are for shade temperatures!

They have a sort of white wooden box with vents and a thermometer in it and use those and publish those shade temperatures. (its looks a bit like a white wooden bee hive box)
Temperatures on my south sun wall and so my rooms have already been well higher than 36.
Have an external thermometer if you really want to know how hot it is. Its the sun that heats up your house not the shade (Unless your lucky and have a massive tree shading your sun side of your house.) Also trees create an air conditioning affect due to evaporation, like bowl hugging.

So Those temperatures predicted ‘35’ are for shade. thats not what we actually experience.
Read the link information above for conformation or look it up anywhere.
Like your animals/eggs. if you really want to know the temperature, don’t relay on the thermostat temperature setting, take your own readings.
Trust your own readings, not Apps based on shade temperatures or thermostat settings…

Also calibrate your thermometers to be sure they are accurate do the following:-

Don’t listen to me or fortcasters, apps or thermostat settings, like you do with your animals, measure yourselves and react adoringly
Trust your own calibrated measurements and your own judgement
At the end of the day its your actual room temperatures that count, not app temps or shade weather forecast temperatures.

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Thanks for all the advice, it did hit over 40c today where I am- (105f+) in the uk today.

Managed to keep my animals below 34 thanks for the advice


Another heat wave for the UK this week…
This years heat is serious in the UK and un natural, Remember the temperatures advertised are for the shade. not for full sun and not for our homes temperatures that are designed for a usually cold climate so to greenhouse any heat and so increase the house heat even more to warm us, and so your house and snake rooms may get much mush hotter than advertised temperatures.
Its coming again NOW, but not necessarily not the history record braking temperatures like the first one of well over 40c or 104f, that did happen as I predicted, despite the doubters in this discussion, But still the second wave is un naturaly hot for the UK if not the record braking temperature’s of a few weeks ago. And this time the prolonged heat will heat out houses even more.
But too high for eggs, most of our animal pets or human safety. We need to protect our animals, (non reptiles too)
I suggest that we study and implement all precautions others have advised in this thread,

Also this is happening in many other countries…

No climate change politics, I am not trying to make a political point, , It doesn’t matter if its climate change or a fluke, lets just not argue about that and just face what is fact – and what we have to do to deal with the extreme heat this year to protect our selves, our human loved ones and our loved pets.


Pity there is no national guidance for reptiles…
If anyone has any other advice or inks for any organism please post.

How much does it cool off at night? Assuming your air is much thicker and more humid than where I am so unfortunately maybe not much. One strategy if your average temperature is still ok is to try to minimize the daily swing and keep as close to average as possible. Insulation to keep your snake room or incubator lagging behind/below the outside spikes. If you have access and space for large water containers (oil drums?) or even rocks/gravel that can be a heat sink to absorb heat as the room heats up. Of course you then need a cool night to give that heat back up to be ready for the next day. If you can pump outside air through at night that would be great. I have a 1971 V8 engine in my garage that is an excellent heat sink. And of course eliminate any heat sources. My snake room is very well insulated but I’ve found that even my florescent light will heat it up from the inside so on 100 deg F days I only turn it on long enough to clean rather than the usual timer. I worry a bit about disrupting light cycles but it’s better than too hot.

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In years past I’ve reversed the light cycle to turn the lights on at night. Also, bricks might make a convenient heat sink if you have access to a bunch. Stack up a wall or make a false floor of them. But that whole strategy depends on it being much cooler at night which I know isn’t the case everywhere.


It is absolutely vital for even people in formerly cool climates to plan for their families’ and their pets’ safety in Heat Waves, as well as power outages, floods, storms, quakes and major fires.

If you think your area can’t possibly flood/burn/earthquake, it is time to accept that this is no longer the case. Our community has had devastating losses in this way the last few years.
As a teen, I nearly lost my home myself to massive firestorms, so I can tell you it’s worth taking seriously. These things can strike quite suddenly.

Evacuation plans are a good minimum measure to take in case any of you have to grab as much of your Menagerie as you can and run for it. Obviously escaping with your own lives is priority but if you have time to take other measures I know we all would do our utmost for our animals.

Each of my snakes is currently in a very small bin setup that could be grabbed and brought along, but as they get older and into bigger enclosures, I will be keeping Grab And Go emergency bins for each of them close to their enclosures. Snake Discovery actually did a great video on how to Evacuate with your reptiles.


One fun positive of the United Kingdom heat wave—
My second clutch just hatched well earlier than expected today due to the abnormal hotter temperatures recently.
I incubate a bit cooler than most at 29c / 84.F .But the background temperatures have been well hotter recently, high tropical temperatures for a normally Temperate climate cool summer country with strange high tropical temperatures of 43c or 104f , that’s record temperatures by many degrees in all history in the United Kingdom. And now we have sustained temperatures this week just a few degrees lower would have been a record if not for the hotter ones a few weeks ago. Summer Temperature expectations here have changed so much this year.
Luckily I kept the eggs and my snakes a bit cooler and not too high thanks to the advice in this discussion, so I cant see any abnormalities in the hatchlings and they all slit the egg independently and naturally.
Still, earlier than expected hatching is a very nice surprise :slight_smile:

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Guess they decided it’s too hot to stay in their warm little eggs! Time to get fresh air!

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Yes they all seem healthy and maybe happier now they are out , they have more air flow, cooling from evaporation of the substrate and have access to water.

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