8-ball (Cinnamon,Black Pastel) do these also have genetic deformities?

When you get down to the brass tacks of it, BlkPastel and Cinny are fundamentally the same mutation so yes, there is the same risk of complications with the 8-ball combo as there is with the single-gene supers

Blackhead, Mahogany, and GHI are all good candidates for making darker snakes. The supers of any of them when combined with Cinny should get you close to a more or less uniform all-black (juvenile) snake. Triple combos of them will also probably get you pretty close.

There are also some morphs that may not be dramatic for a two-gene combo but can push you in the right direction if done as a triple. Mojave would be a good example. A Cinny Mojave is not particularly dark but a Cinny GHI Mojave is. Leopard and (though outside of your current price range) Acid would be other candidate morphs