I’ve built several enclosures that i think are cool but several of them are waiting to be filled and im using them as heated nursery for my baby scorpions. Several of my babys are 3i so they are quite small so i keep them in small snap top boxes so that i can ensure they eat, they aren’t ready for a 12x12x12 and would likely miss out on food.
Im currently in the midst of rebuilding several enclosures and creating new ones as well.
Im always on the hunt for building materials and i always have a stock of items for whatever build i need. Whether its substrate, driftwood, resin pieces, plants etc. I keep a good stock. I build when i have the energy and for the bioactive builds i wait at least a month before i move my animals in so i can ensure the clean up crew and the plants are functional. If i had the energy i could probably do a couple builds a day as it is now i make work on one for several days before i finish and add the grow lights and saran wrap on the top to keep the moisture in.
I picked it up at Petsmart you maybe able to find similar on Amazon. They have a sale of buy 1 get second for 50% off at Petsmart it was $19.99 so to me its not a bad price. ( i know some people don’t support big chain pet stores) i don’t buy animals just a decoration here and there when i have to buy my frozen mice.
This is how my build went. I love this decoration for spiders like tarantulas because it gives them very nice sturdy anchor points for their webbing. Some Ts are prolific webbers so it would give them an awesome home to web up and they can tuck away in the back and feel secure too!
Another nice thing about the tree root is there are mutiple openings where the roots are separated so it will also give your T’s multiple routes of escape that they can build into their web lair.
Oh BTW the tree root measures about 10 and a half or 11 inches and is approximately 7 inches wide so keep that in mind when you go to build my enclosure is 12" high by 8" but its plenty of space for a tarantula. I went bio but only used 1 plant that had 2 separate root systems. I didn’t bother with smaller plants or ground cover because the curtain web will just blanket everything in silk anyway. I just added springtails and isopods to keep everything tidy and healthy. I am installing an automated watering system in all my bioactive builds.