A little more ID help

I am going to a local rescue Wednesday to pick out a couple of these but I’m having trouble deciding. They don’t have morphs available and I am thinking there’s maybe some pastel, enchi, phantom maybe? I would love
to hear any thoughts on these 5. Thanks! :slight_smile:






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It sounds like you’re just wondering which morphs they are so you can pick your favorite. I can’t help with morphs but the bit of advice I have is that you should just pick whichever ones you think look best. They are rescues so they shouldn’t be bred, so the morphs don’t really matter, just pick the ones you like. Their temperment when you get them up might also affect your decision.


Thanks :slight_smile: I really like the dark one Bowser and the lightest one, Peach. :heart: I keep records on all my animals and it’s just nice to know stuff like that, and I like to learn a lot! I used to have ball pythons in the mid 90s to mid 2000s, and then when I went to college and had kids I didn’t have any for years. Now there’s like 1 million crazy beautiful morphs out there! So much learning!
Temperament is important, as ours get lots of snuggles🙂

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Then I would definitely prioritize temperament over morph, especially because like @erie-herps said, since these are rescues they should not be used for breeding since you don’t know their background or health history.