I logged on here to ask some questions recently, but I realized I never properly introduced myself, so I figure I should go ahead and do so. (Not only because I’m bored at work or anything). So, Hi, I’m Citrus! I’m usually lurking, will likely pop in with the occassional question or id help.
I got my first reptile, a female harlequin crested gecko named Mana, who is alas no longer with me, in 2012 when I left home for college with naught but my few betta fish, and made it a few months before I realized I had never before in my 18 years gone more than 2 weeks without an animal I could actually touch and interact with, and wasn’t mentally doing so without one. But my school allowed ‘small, cage-bound, non-furred pets with approval’ in student housing, and my roommates wouldn’t let me get the snake I’d wanted since my friend showed off his ball pythons in 5th grade, so after much research, a Crestie came home with me. A couple years later I got a second, and not long after that I was moved into my own place, got myself a couple snakes, hatched a few gecko eggs, and things just kinda keep going from there.
I currently have corn snakes, ball pythons, a crested gecko, along with my non-reptilian critters consisting of two dogs, three cats, a skunk, and a flock of chickens. I have successfully bred corn snakes previously, and produced one clutch of ball python eggs that I lost to incubator failure. But now I have managed to build an incubator that has been testing good for a week, so I’m hopeful for the future. I tend to be obsessed with color genetics (of any species, really) and figuring out how they work together and what they can create.
And since I’ve babbled enough, I’ll appease with some pics of critters:
Laral, bamboo calico, shows off her freshly shed beauty
Wolverine (black) tries to enjoy his box while pesky little sister Yuffie tries to play
Dalinar, my beloved Genetic Stripe who had a bit too long a journey before he made it to my hands
Wyrm, female lemonblast, was one of my first snakes, and it’s difficult to recognise her as the same 60g worm I picked up for $20 bucks at a petco sale over half a decade ago
Rifter, female anery cornsnake. My first snake. Was purchased as a male. Took ‘him’ to the vet for possible RI, came home after finding I had a very healthy female snake who happned to be shedding. Learned much.
Bird flock sorts themselves by color to sunbathe.
Renji (shiba) is king of the house, while Taliesin (Doberman) prefers the smaller, cozy bed
Kelsier has learned that the empty shelf on the snake racks makes for a very nice place to take a winter nap.
That is hardly everyone, but I can’t well post my whole gallery I suppose. Can always give more pics if y’all want. That being said, hello everyone, I look foward to learning much from your knowledge and perhaps making some friends :3