Abnormally Small?

I’ve got a female corn snake, 2 and a half years old. We’ve had her since she was 3 weeks old. She is, as of today, about 32 inches long and 164 grams, and less than an inch around in circumference if I had to guess. This is pretty well under the minimum normal size I’ve seen online for a 24+ month old corn snake. She’s eaten well all her life, we’ve actually been advised to cut down on her meals a little though she’s never appeared overweight either (flat tummy, rounded back, no skin between scales.) I don’t wholly trust the internet though, so I’d like some input from people who know what they’re talking about. Thanks!


What are you feeding and how often?


I’m actually starting her on frozen small mice today. Going to try one for now, she ate two of the size below this every feeding and consistently refused a third. Every 2 weeks.


So at two and a half, 32" is not all that small, and her weight isn’t bad, either. However, your feeder size and feeding interval is likely why she’s growing so slowly. At that age/size/weight, I’d go with medium mice, weighing about 12-18g each, every 12-14 days. Here’s a good guide of what to feed and how often. You can mostly ignore age, I usually go by weight:

Keep in mind that is just a guide, if you notice her gaining too fast you can extend the time between meals, and if she were to start losing weight, you could decrease it. I wouldn’t worry too much, sometimes growing them up at a slower rate is beneficial. I hope that helps, and welcome to the community!


Thank you, I appreciate it! Glad to know I haven’t messed up too bad.


Thankfully it’s pretty hard to mess up feeding, as long as they’re eating and gaining you’re good.

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Welcome to the community! Sounds like you are doing fine with your corn. We love pictures, btw. :wink:

At 164 g, I would suggest that you go with roughly a 14-20 g mouse every 10 days or so depending upon her body condition. If you think she’s underweight for her length, you could feed weekly until you are happy with the way she looks and feels in hand. I start feeding 24+g mice once the snakes reach about 175 g.