Adopted a beardie

Hey everyone! I need some advice. I’m new to the bearded dragon thing, I just adopted one and I’m not familiar. He is about 5 months old. He came with the tank & environment he has been living in with previous owner. I’m trying to figure out if I should give him some time to adjust, or just go ahead and start handling… any advice? He has been worked on with previous owners but they said they didn’t truly have the time he needed and still needs a lot of work. Any suggestions???


I don’t know about bearded dragon, but from what I know about others, it is always best to let them settle in for at least a week. Even though it is in its original housing, there was a move involved and changes within the location/environment. I know it is hard to sit and wait, but it is usually best for the animals.

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I agree. At the very least, wait until the animal is feeding well. Not just insects, but some dark leafy greens (no spinach) as well. A healthy appetite is always a good sign the animal is OK in his new environment.


He actually ate his dubai roaches fine today. I was gonna give him greens and see how he does this evening.


I agree with @dlhirst and @d_y_python as far as letting him settle in. The fact that he’s already eating for you is a super good sign! :+1::wink:.

After he had has some healthy greens and yummy roaches for a few days and he realizes you are the “lunch lady”, you could gently see if he wants to interact with you but I would take it slow and easy. I don’t know if beardies bite? but I am sure in time you will have him watching tv with you!

IMO, beardies are such wonderful creatures!

Best wishes! :lizard::frog::snake:

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Thank you!! Today, he’s had breakfast & lunch. Im going to attempt to introduce greens today actually. I was also able to hold him today! On his terms. He came right to my hand. I lifted him, no issues. He was very chill. I love him already! Can’t wait to see how the future goes with this little man


Congratulations on your adorable new friend, he’s definitely a cutie! As others have said, with any reptile, it’s usually best to give them some time to settle in when you first get them. Even if he’s in the same enclosure he had in the previous home, getting jostled around in the move itself can be stressful, and he’s still in a new environment with new sights, sounds, and smells.

But if he’s already eating well and climbing into your hand, then he’s probably fine with some short handling sessions, just don’t overdo it and be on the lookout for any signs of stress. It sounds like he’s settling in well and is already pretty chill and tolerant of handling, which is great (most beardies are, but there’s always the odd one that’s unusually grumpy and/or skittish). He’s super cute!


he looks very small for a 5-month-old beardie, would you mind if you showed a picture of his enclosure so I can make sure that your caring for him properly, and can I also see his temps and humidity.

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That’s fantabulist! You are probably just what he has been waiting for! Keep up the great job and keep up the updates and of course pictures!

Love to you both! :lizard::frog::snake:!


I think he may have been neglected a bit from his previous owners but if he is eating well and socializing with Holly she must be doing right by him.


Angry reptile noises at least I don’t see any signs of MBD (metabolic bone disease) oh one more thing the “diamonds” under his belly usually means he’s stressed; I recommend giving him at least one month and it may be 2 months until he will be happy to be handled not uncomfortable like mine was, also I recommend in the beginning to handle him in only one room, (prob in the one his enclosure is in) so he gets used to that space and settles in then begin handling him in other rooms.

He actually was received from a family that stated they couldn’t properly care for him, and didn’t have the time he needed. He shows a lot of interest in me. Thank you for the respect. I appreciate that.


I appreciate your concern. But I do not believe I’m obligated to proof anything to you. As stated above I just brought him home. He’s now being taken care of.


Honestly he may not even be 5 months old- that’s just what I was informed.

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You are so very welcome! If he is showing interest in you that is a great sign! The little guy is cute as a button! When I worked at the vet clinic there was a lady who would bring in her bearded dragon inside her jacket. He was quite large and so sweet and sociable. But again, he was LARGE. I see these tiny little creatures in pet stores that people buy not realizing the care requirements of these social animals nor realizing how big they will grow. IMO snakes are easier to care for but they don’t actually want to hang out with you! Lol! so kudos to you for adopting little Dante! I have no doubt you will be rewarded by seeing your little Dante bloom into a beardie masterpiece! :lizard::frog::snake::blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Apologies if you thought that I was implying so, it was meant to be a kind gesture and not offensive by any means, I never said you were and I had no intent to say so, I thought it would simply be a good idea to ask, that’s all.



Another day down- he’s still doing great!! I will say he’s not a fan of the greens. Cannot get him to eat those.


I wouldn’t stress about the greens. Typically when beardies are young they’ll feed on meaty insects more than greens as they’re bulking up. Just keep up with what you’re doing and i think that dragon will settle in just fine.


If you check out Elle’s Reptiles on youtube, she’s got some very good Beardie Specific care guides. So does Wicken’s Wicked Reptiles.