Advice for Mohagony

Hello everyone.
I planned to go Super Mohagony + Ghi, was adviced to be the most jet black.
After long local searches, was lucky to only find Mohagony Black Pastel male and Mohagony female.
On paper it should give more or less same result.
Also, with Ghi or BP - is it the matter of luck , which shades of black i will get, it is not guaranteed ?

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would really appreciate experience share

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I am a huge fan of Suma (Super Mahogany) because of the dark hue. I am just a keeper, but the Abyss (Suma GHI) seems to be the darkest I’ve seen on the Morphmarket sales site. Suma Black Pastel isn’t as dark. They may come out of the egg very dark but lighten as they get older

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Thank u very much for sharing ! Just as i feared (

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