Alabama Corn Snakes

I have always liked and wanted to keep Alabama Corn snakes but haven’t seen any available in a long time. Does anyone work with them?


@noodlehaus Jess you seem to always know these things


Because Alabama corn snakes are just a locality wild type, there isn’t really a demand for them outside of getting new blood into established lines. I don’t know anyone personally that works with them, but you might try the forum to see if anyone there can lead you in the right direction. Tagging in @solarserpents & @caryl to see if they might know of anyone working with them.

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I don’t know of anyone working with them, either. Joe Peck is working with some locality stuff - you could try reaching out to him to see if he has any info.


Thanks for the replies. I saw some a few years ago and didn’t pick up and regret it. They have an interesting look. I believe VMS was working with/selling them at one point but they’re gone.


Yeah, unfortunately Sean retired not too long ago. I did look and you could try contacting Don Soderberg of South Mountain Reptiles as he listed an animal with an Alabama locality parent in the past.

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I don’t know of anyone working with Alabama corns either. That said, I’m just across the state line from Alabama. There’s a local pet shop who occasionally have local corns. I can ask them if they know of a source.


Might be worth asking in this cornsnake group on Facebook

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Being new here, I may be overstepping my bounds- and if so, I apologize.

It seems to me the Alabama looks very similar to Buckskin.

There are some on MM currently.

I would definitely not say that you’re overstepping any boundaries :wink:

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I would recommend contacting Ian at as it appears that he may be working with them or knows of people who do.