"All" Filter Broken [2369] [FIXED]

I think one of the 8 is if you try and look at “Softscale” crested geckos that are BOTH available & sold- it sends you to look at all crested geckos.


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Nope, this seems to be a separate issue related to the filtering feature, which we also updated yesterday… :thinking:


Same thing when filtering with Ball Pythons. I’ll be under Desert Ghost, go to filter for females only, and the “Including” trait line is blank. This is happening on both phone app and laptop Microsoft Edge.

Edit: I took a snip which I noticed something while filtering. You can see on the top bar I am in the Clown Ball Python section, I lower Filter and the Category shows Water Monitors.


I can reproduce this, thank you. Seems our change to Sellers filter (which was to fix slow/freezing PWA) has some issues.

We have rolled back this change until we can sort it out. Thanks.


We have reintroduced our stores fix, and we still see this bug, so we are investigating…


Hello. The filter feature is clearing out when I go to use it. I will be under the Desert Ghost section, click on filter on both my phone app and my laptop Microsoft Edge browser, and the Including traits section is blank.


We found that bug and are fixing it too.

Everything should be working in 10 minutes… and the site will be loading faster too (not loading 5,000 stores into the page every time).


Awesome! I just happen to notice it. I have a habit of looking at MM two to three times a day for the newest uploads :stuck_out_tongue:

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