Allstar x Annelie - Strawberry Bloodreds coming!

So, you know how it is when you make plans, find and grow babies for years? Then you eventually breed them, and wait a while, and then finally it’s Lay Day??? Well, it’s Lay Day for Annelie - and I’m not there!!

I’m not there for a wonderful reason. Our younger daughter and her hubby had their first baby Apr 1st. She’s a wonderful, beautiful, perfect little girl named Ava Blair. I’m staying with them for a little while to help out, which is delightful. The negative is that it’s 10 hours away from home.

I’ve got several first- time gravid females this season. When I left on Friday, I told my husband that I expected the two girls who’d shed to lay while I’m here. This morning, Dan texted this morning that Annelie has six eggs! He said they look good so far. She felt pretty darn full, so there should be more to come.

Allstar and Annelie both came from VMS. He’s RF Strawberry Granite het Amel. She’s RF Strawberry Bloodred, ph Amel and x Charcoal. These babies should all be gorgeous. I didn’t actually get a very good picture of this pair, but here they are.

Oh my goodness, I’m excited!


I want to see a RF Strawberry Bloodred Amel! My goodness…it would be so red!


Me too, Riley, me too!! Hopefully there will be at least one in these eggs.


I mean it, it is going to incredibly beautiful. And as that baby ages…the RF would add so much color!


Holy bleep are those parents amazing! Can’t wait to see the babies. :slight_smile:


Double congratulations on eggs and on your granddaughter! Thankfully corns rarely require intervention with laying, so hopefully she’ll have no issue getting them all out on her own.


Thanks, everybody! I’m ecstatic about the new granddaughter, of course. :blush: I am so happy to be able to help my daughter and SIL a bit in these early days.

I’m also (differently, of course) ecstatic about the upcoming babies. I have been meaning to do a thread with my pairings. Most are first-timers so I was unsure how it would go. Allstar hatched in 2020 and was bred last year, but Annelie is a 2021 baby. Hoping to prove her het Amel and confirm that she’s not het Anery for future plans.

Dan’s nervous about the clutches while I’m gone. I’m sure he’ll be fine. Hopefully the mama snakes will do well. Dan has the vet’s number if it becomes necessary.

I found another photo of Allstar and Annelie, so I’m sharing it. It’s outdoors, natural light, no editing. (The first was inside one evening and had flash.) Hoping Dan will send pics of the eggs tonight or tomorrow.


Baby humans are fun too. Congrats!! :slight_smile:


They are! Thank you. :blush:


Congratulations @caryl for both miracles! Glad you get to spend quality time with your new granddaughter! Spring is the time for new life and you have certainly been blessed! Best of luck with the eggs as well! :pray:


That’s gonna be one amazing clutch of little ones eventually! Sending all the positive vibes to Dan as he runs things for you, he’s doing great. Those parents are absolutely gorgeous, too!


Dan said that when he checked this morning, Annelie had “a large clutch” but wasn’t finished. He didn’t try and remove any because he didn’t want to disturb her since he could clearly see more eggs to come. He thought it looked like there were two or three down near her vent. It’s encouraging and also nerve-wracking. Fingers crossed, saying prayers that she’ll be done this evening.


Definitely prayers for your girl!


Congratulations! It’s obvious you’re over the moon about your granddaughter and your snake babies! I wish you all the happiness in the world! It’s such a blessing.

Your husband sounds like he’s handling things at home like a pro. I can’t wait to see how the babies turn out. I’m sure they will be stunning just like the parents!


Thank you! I know she’s probably going to be fine but I wish she was done. I know that going a bit over 24 hours isn’t necessarily a sign of problems, especially with a first time mother. Still, after the sadness of Aria’s loss last season, it makes me nervous.


Thank you for the kind words! I’m loving this special time with my daughter’s family. Dan is doing a great job and I’m proud of him. He doesn’t feel fully confident, but I have full confidence in him. And I also can’t wait to see these babies!


Looks like we’re having a slightly dramatic beginning to the egg arrival season. Earlier today, Dan removed the 15 eggs which Annelie has laid. She looks like there are two more, both down near the vent. Dan gave her a drink, removed and set up the eggs, then he cleaned the tub. Annelie had a 20-minute swim then went back into her bin. Hopefully, she’ll get those final two out. It’s been over 48 hours since she began laying. Poor girl, I know she’s tired. Poor Dan, too; he’s really stressed that this is happening while I’m away. I told him that he’s doing wonderfully.

Here are the eggs. They look a tad dehydrated here, which will be remedied after some time in their damp sphagnum. These all look like they’re viable. That’s exciting!

Here’s Annelie, looking much thinner except right at her vent.


Good job, Dan. Get those last two out, Annelie!


Oh yes, I forgot to thank everyone on Dan’s behalf for the support, prayers, thoughts. He’s still feeling stressed. So thanks, everybody! :+1: :heart:


I’m rooting for her! When will you be back home?