Ok so I have a question,I know the humid hide is to stay in the tank but we’re supposed to keep the moss on the inside damp right ? And continue to change it and stuff right? Like shedding or not? My husband asked me why I can’t just take it out and at first I was like mad lmao cause like why don’t you believe me that it has to be in there
but now I need it explained to me lmao
All questions are welcome so no worries! When you see your gecko in shed you can put the moist hide in the tank. Some people leave the hide in all of the time. You just need to make sure the sphagnum moss doesn’t mold.
Ok,yeah that was my concern was molding but I’ve been checking it every 3 days and if not 3 days it’s 4 no more than 4 days…I’m also curious as to spraying the enclosure? There’s research saying no spraying there’s some saying 3-4 times a week and then there’s some saying absolutely no more than 3 times a week due to respiratory infections etc ….which one do I follow
I have not heard of spraying a Leo enclosure but imo it is not necessary unless you are in an extremely arid environment……
The moist hide should be enough.
It depends on the geckos for me.
If I see them come wandering over and taking a few licks of water from the bowl after I fill it? Spraying not really required.Just if the humidity in the overall enclosure is low. Most of my geckos are always interested in seeing the change when I swap out bowls and come over.
Hatchlings and very young geckos aren’t always keen on moving out to the open so I either keep a moist hide in there, or do a small spray of water every other day until they get more confidence. That’s usually for hatchlings.
New acquisitions or separated hatchlings get a little less spray. Only once or twice a week and for the moist hide I leave a couple of big rocks in a dish of water with the moss over part of it. That way they can sit and drink a bit while hiding and comfy. Just make sure to check it regularly for poop, bugs or fungus.