Amber Firefly "LCF"

Amber Firefly “LCF” LFC stands for “Light Color Phase”. This colony I’ve only had for a little bit of time and I’ve already seen babies and no deaths. I did also have normal Amber Firefly’s (was a brutal experience only started with 4 and 3 of the 4 ended up dying off fast). I did hear the light color phase did way better in captivity but was still nervous of course as I was one of the first few to have the normal color phase in the states I didn’t want the stress of losing stuff that rare again especially something I wanted to bad! But of course I’m addicted haha so I ended up getting the light color phase and behold already have babies. Id say it’s a little bit of a redemption story but ohhh man maybe next time the chance pops up to buy the normal color phase I just might! :rofl: There is also a dark color phase but I’ve only seen a few photos so not sure what’s up with that one.

Thanks for reading!

Light Color phase

Normal color phase (old photo)


Those look a little like Green Laser mixed with White Ducky! Those are now at the top of my wishlist (along with all the other isopods you post about here lol) Your awesome collection is going to make me go broke! I’ll end up breaking my New Year’s resolution to budgeting myself on isopods! :sweat_smile:


Exceptional!! Love it!


Love that it isn’t LCP :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Don’t get me started lol :person_facepalming: