Anery or Charcoal?

What are peoples thoughts on this? Anery or Charcoal?


I’d say charcoal.
Just because a friend of mine has anery and it’s got the black :relaxed:

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I’m leaning anery because of the amount of yellow. Also leaning anery because of the brown/warm tones I see, which aren’t normally seen in charcoals. But she looks like there might be something else going on also. Maybe ghost or ultra anery. Can you get pics in natural light? And an eye pic?


I agree that it’s probably anery-based due to the amount and quality of the yellow. But it may be a ghost or possibly an ice. Would love to see belly pics, eye pics, and natural light pics!

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This pic was taken a few days ago. He has gone into blue phase at the moment. Once he sheds out I will happily post some more pictures. I will have a look and see if I have any more previous pictures. Im pretty sure anery plus something else it was given to me as a baby for free as an anery and was told nothing else. Someone the other day said that’s a nice charcoal and I had a massive debate with them to say that it’s anery.

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Lol sounds good. We’ll look forward to more pics of your pretty likely Anery. :blush:


As you all know the other day I posted a pic of this snake. Some of you asked for some more pictures of this guy. He was given to me for free when he was a hatchling as just Anery. I think he maybe a ghost. Any thoughts?


I think the checkers are too black for ghost. But they are split, so I would say masque anery.

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Me too, except I usually say it the other way around, lol; anery masque. The dorsal saddles look different in the new pics also, with less brown. There’s the usual blush on the cheeks caused by blood supply, but I don’t see any other ghost-ly colors in this light. Pretty snake!

I flip flop on what order I put morph names in! Anery masque does sound better actually.

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