Animal Transfer is Live!

Don’t you hate it when you purchase an animal and need to add its details to your Animal Manager manually? We understand that it can be tedious and time-consuming, and you no longer need to!


When you purchase an animal on MorphMarket, the seller can mark the listing as “Sold to [Your Name]” via Animal Manager, Bulk Action, or the Edit Animal page. This automatically transfers the animal to the “Purchased” tab in your Animal Manager.

Upon transfer, these animals are set to a “Not for Sale (NFS)” status and marked as private by default. You can easily edit the status and visibility of each animal at any time through the individual Edit Animal page or by using Bulk Actions. Additionally, you can update the animal’s information with new details, such as weight and photos.

Important: Transferred animals will include the original images. Therefore, they cannot be listed for sale again until the original images are removed.

The original purchase information is preserved and shown at the bottom of the individual Edit Animal page in your private notes section. (Private Notes will not transfer if the animal is sold).


To transfer an animal to a new user, follow these steps:

  1. Change the animal’s status to “Sold” using the Edit Animal page or Bulk Actions.
  2. Select the buyer from the dropdown list. Alternatively, use the action menu (+ icon) in the onsite messenger to mark the animal as sold to that user.
  3. Once marked as sold, the animal will automatically transfer to the buyer’s Animal Manager. Sellers can still view this animal via the “Sold” tab in their Animal Manager.

Important Note: Only animals marked as “Sold to” a specific buyer after the release of this feature will appear in the “Purchased” tab. The ability to request an animal to be transferred to your account is coming soon.

Data Transfer:

When an animal is transferred, the following data will be included:

  • Title
  • Category
  • Traits
  • Images*
  • Sex
  • Price
  • Currency
  • Quantity
  • First listed date
  • Item origin
  • Date of birth (DOB)
  • Sex
  • Proven breeder status
  • Maturity
  • Length
  • Weight
  • Prey food type
  • Description

*** Important:** Transferred animals will include the original images. Therefore, they cannot be listed For Sale again until the original images are removed.

Share your feedback :blush:


YAYY!!! Been wishing for this feature for a long time. Thanks for making it happen! :clap: :confetti_ball: :tada:


This is such an awesome feature, I love it!


Very neat! So, retroactively could a seller go back to previous sales to specify the buyer’s info, or would that be done by special request to MM staff, or would this feature only be available for future purposes? I hope that made sense lol


Can you please work on developing a retroactive prompt so that sales prior to this can be transferred by sellers?