Did you know? When a seller marks an animal as “sold to” a specific buyer, its information automatically transfers to the buyer’s Animal Manager under the “Purchased” tab. This automatic Animal Transfer gives buyers easy access to the animal’s details, making managing the animal’s information and tracking husbandry activities simple.
Previously, this transfer only happened for animals marked as “sold to” a specific buyer after the initial launch of this feature. Our new My Purchases and My Sales pages not only show you a complete transaction history of animals you have bought and sold via MorphMarket, but also offer a way to transfer older listings between buyers and sellers.
Why would a seller not want to use this feature? I bought an animal recently and the seller deleted the listing which not only loses the history and liating details but also prevents me obtaining sales history and status as a legit buyer in the market (profile shows no indication of a purchase ever made).
I think MorphMarket has a serious flaw here. Sellers should not weild that sort of power.
Deleting listings should require consent of those with dialog with the seller. Cant just willy nilly wipe it from existence when it impacts others.
Buyers should be able to mark themselves as buyers of an animal when a seller is unwilling or lazy or whatever, perhaps after some sort of verification process.
I love this animal transfer feature, but i hate how it 100% depends on a decent seller.
This feature is not even two weeks old yet, so I wouldn’t expect all sellers to immediately be using it/on board/understand. Some sellers just delete listings for whatever reason. If I had to guess, I’d say they probably do it due to volume. See, sold animals stay visible on your account, listed under your animals, and it can get pretty cluttered. Not my favorite thing ever, I’d prefer an archive option.
That said, I agree there is a flaw if the deleting the listing removes any indication a transaction was made. Personally I think the record of sale, reviews, etc should be permanent if they aren’t already. Brittni should already get a tag by our replies, however I’ll also tag @eaglereptiles for any further insight into this.
Listings are never really “deleted”, just hidden. They can still be pulled back up in 99% of cases.
But usually it is not a case that the seller has hidden it, but rather made it inactive or private. If you ever need details on an animal you have purchased, reach out to support@morphmarket.com and they will help out.
Buyers should be able to mark themselves as buyers of an animal when a seller is unwilling or lazy or whatever, perhaps after some sort of verification process.
As a buyer you will see the following options when you inquire about an animal
If you leave a rating, and it is not disputed within 3 days, it will be approved and made public.
Regarding the transfer side, allowing anyone inquiring to mark an animal as sold would cause havoc. Sellers mostly use the site daily and understand the UI, whereas most buyers do not.
If a seller does not want to transfer the animal for whatever reason, you can always recreate it manually.
i hate how it 100% depends on a decent seller.
Thats fair, but it is a balancing act that will be refined.
profile shows no indication of a purchase ever made
Thank you for that. I had NO idea that was a thing, I was expecting that functionality to be on the listing, not on the chat. As far as UX goes, unless you click the + by the chat, you’ll never know of this capability. I hunted everywhere else first, lol. Thanks for mentioning it though, I have now made use of it to mark the animal as purchased (which I hope works, again, this seller seems uncooperative, might not even approve, not cool - then what recourse?).
Of course. But that’s lame But seriously… more importantly, not doable if the listing was hidden by the seller first!!!
I might open a whole new forum topic just on this, and/or a support dialog. This is a major problem IMO. Think about this scenario: I buy a snake, seller then “hides” the listing, I don’t get credit as having a purchase on my record, AND… there is NO record of what the seller listed and sold!!! In my case, the animal was misrepresented! Was HALF the weight advertised when arrived. How convenient that the seller completely pulled the details from my view, let alone public view. NOT cool. MorphMarket can and should prevent this. Thankfully, I have a screenshot of the original listing. But I should not have to.
I did see one little flaw with this and don’t know how to really fix it aside from jumping in to edit the animals personally…
When the animals are transferred over, if they were listed as self produced they still retain that tag. I don’t want to take that credit for the other breeder’s work. Lol.
I don’t know if there’s a way to have them change to CB or if a little (by x or y seller) note can be added.
Just something I noticed. Otherwise I love this feature.
Thanks for the feedback. We are adding a “produced by” field soon, however I don’t think it will automatically change the animal’s origin. That is something we will definitely work on having done.