Animals not showing up [6739]

The animals are not showing up. Here is an example:


having the same exact issue! mobile/safari version won’t show me any animals, my own or others for sale.


I have an IPhone 8 and I am on the AP……

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it was working on the app but now every time i try and launch the app i get these pages

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Thank you guys… We will get this fixed asap

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@eaglereptiles just in case… I’ve seen this happen once or twice because it’s counting animals on hold as available. I was never able to really duplicate it though
Though with these numbers it looks like they’re having trouble accessing every animal. Lol

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A fix has just been pushed out.

Please can you try and change your view using these buttons and let me know if that helps?


Works for me!


Yay! It worked for me too! Thank you @eaglereptiles! :pray:


I am still unfortunately having the same issue on my iPhone 13. I cannot look at any new reptiles, the only ones I have access too are through my messages.

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Can you please log out/in and try again?

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This should now be completely resolved…?


You better believe it Thomas! Have a blessed evening!

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