Another feeding question

In February we received our first two hognose snakes. They have been consistently eating every 5 days. No issues. At the beginning of this month (May) they are both acting different. We had moved our tv upstairs so we moved the snakes to a quieter room. Our female ate for us 6 days ago after waiting a few weeks. Our male hasn’t eaten since the beginning of the month. We thought he ate but it turns out he just moves the mouse to a different area and leaves it. I’m really not sure what to think of that. We are feeding pinkies. Another issue a few months ago was he went in and out of blue and then never shed. We waited and it never came. They both have hides, foliage, rocks, and fresh water on Aspen bedding in their areas. The cages aren’t too big not too small.
Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!


Are you absolutely sure he didn’t shed? Did you check every inch of the enclosure, decor, sift through the substrate? Does he look like he has stuck shed? What are the temperatures and humidity like in the enclosure? Any other changes besides being moved?


Humidity ranges from 35-40%. Warm side is 89 and cooler side is around 70. I looked through the substrates when cleaning the cage but didn’t see anything. Did I look the best I could have? Hmm probably not. I could have missed it. There’s nothing stuck on him. I’ve ran my hands down him and didn’t see anything.
A difference was we went from using our central heating to using our AC in the house. The room we put them in now is a bit warmer.


If he went through a shed cycle and doesn’t have any stuck shed, the shed was likely just missed. What are you using to measure temperatures, and what is the ambient room temperature outside of the enclosure? I wouldn’t necessarily keep the hot side at 89 unless that’s the basking spot, leaves a lot less room for error. Start by double checking your temperatures, because that’s one of the first things that can throw them off of feeding.