Any idea what happend to this egg?

Hi all!

We’ve gotten a late Christmas present of a small 3-egg clutch. One egg looks like a basket case and I was hoping someone in this group could help me understand what happened to the egg, what I may have done differently and if I should toss the egg.

Once I found the eggs I’ve seperated two of them that have been somewhat sticking together as was to be expected, however they did seperate easy enough.

It wasn’t long before I saw an elongated dent in one of the eggs that startet to turn yellow. The dent grew larger and the yellow darkened. Since yesterday there’s also a moldy-looking black something on one edge of it.

When I took the picture below (this is day 21) I candled the egg again. The shell seems thicker as I couldn’t tell for certain if there were veins (which had been there after laying) or if there was a red or yellow shine.
The egg itself was a little slimy in and around the dent.

Curious to read you thoughts on this and thnk you all in advance for taking the time.

Cheers, Ralf


Sadly it looks like that egg failed. Once they start getting that slimy coat and windowed shell it’s usually the end.
If you wanted to ‘incubate until there’s no debate’…I would move that egg to it’s own container. That’s because of the moss in the egg box and to avoid any bacteria or mold growth in with the good eggs.


Thank you for your thoughts @armiyana!

I didn’t have realistic hope for this egg. Can you speak to what may have caused this, as in may I have done something wrong or acted earlier?

Maybe there’s at least a lesson to be learned.

Cheers, Ralf


Sometimes it just happens. Not every egg or hatchling makes it. Even in people 15% of pregnancies miscarry. Same concept I guess? Sad, but it’s life.

If there was a water drip hitting the egg that could potentially cause issues and egg failure.
Or if the egg was too wet before you found it but that’s typically only when they lay in a water bowl instead.

Out of curiosity, what was the pairing info? Sometimes certain genes can cause issues, but that’s fairly rare with things like the morphipedia and the morph issues post here.


Thank you for the swift replies!

I can rule out drops of warer as the cause. Like you said: I guess stuff just may happen sometimes.

The pairing was Lavender het. Piebald x Fire Enchi Piebald. We’re shooting for a Pied het. Lav male, ideally with the co-doms to upgrade to Dreamsicles.

Have a great weekend!



Yeah I don’t see any issues with the genes there being a cause. If it was caramel albino that could be an issue, but lav is fine.
Just bad luck it seems.
I hope the other two eggs continue to do well for you!


I’m sorry about the lost egg. It does indeed happen for reasons which we can’t necessarily see. It is always frustrating when it does. I hope that the other makes it for you.