Any idea what morph he is?

Hey I was just wondering if anyone can help me identify what morph my gecko is, he’s around about 9 years old now and was my Christmas gift many years ago so I’m not sure about what his parents look like I do know he’s an eclipse but that’s about it, any help is appreciated.



Do you have photos of his eyes from the side? The ones here are bad angles to verify if he is eclipse for sure.

Otherwise he looks like a happy little wildtype, maybe some would consider him a bit hi-yellow. Can’t tell you anything else from that though.

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What a cute little guy! What is his name? I don’t know gecko morphs so someone else will hopefully chime in. And of course a big welcome to the forum! Glad you found us! :pray::heart::blush:

I do somewhere but can’t find them among the 8000 images in my camera roll rn, but I do know
he is definitely an eclipse, was asking more about his morph in terms of colourtion

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His name is kuro meaning black in Japanese since he has eclipse eyes, also because I was 10 and watching tonnes of anime at time

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Cute name there! He looks like he is posing for his photo shoot! :blush::lizard: