Any ideas? Glass surfing

Hi everyone! I am pretty stumped on what to do and I need another perspective. My male hognose is 58 grams, I noticed him glass surfing lately (which he has never done before) so I upgraded his enclosure to 40 gallons. He has 2 hides, a thermostat (89 F on hot, 72 on cold with gradient). I have never noticed him to be basking badly for heat nor retreating trying to cool down. He is still glass surfing and climbing up to the top of the tank and looks bored. He has magnolia leaf clutter and has 5 pieces of driftwood around the tank to play with. I don’t think he is hungry as he is being fed regularly (fuzzies) and gaining weight normally. Any ideas or do they do this normally? Any thoughts are appreciated!!


I have had hogs in the past and do have now one hoggie now, but his set up is a lot different than your little guy’s. I, personally don’t think there is much to be concerned with since he is eating well and growing. However I am going to leave it here and pass the baton to @noodlehaus, as she knows a lot more about hognoses than I do……

Best wishes! :snake:


Haha ok thank you ! Hope you and your hoggie are well! :slight_smile:


Ahhh the glass surfing hognoses, I’ve got two who partake in that past time. In my experience, it’s usually because they’re looking to explore. You say you have magnolia leaf litter and driftwood, how about substrate depth and any other tank decor or forms of climbing/burrowing/exploration enrichment?


Yes we are thank you! :pray:


Hi! He has 4.5 inches of substrate, it’s aspen. He has a branch/stick thing that stretches out to the top of the tank so he can climb on, and a little tree/cave thing he seems to like to sit on. I would love to add some more though if you have any ideas as to what will help?? Thanks!
Edit: Also his driftwood is arranged so he can climb around and wrap himself in if he wants :slight_smile:


Sounds like you’ve got the ideal setup! I’d say if you want, add some plants and vines, make the whole thing a little more cohesive with some extra surface area. It could just be that the new enclosure has him exploring the limits of how far he can go (since they don’t quite understand clear barriers).


Ok awesome I’ll do that! You mention they don’t understand the clear glass and I totally spaced that! Do you think adding a type of blackout/cover on the sides would help him or should i just let him figure it out lol.


Some people cover three sides and leave the front, others don’t, it’s all really up to you. It might curb the behavior, or he might just be one of those little guys that wants to see the whole world. I’d say just give him time and see if he loses interest after a while. As long as he’s still eating and doesn’t appear stressed, you should be fine.


Ok i’ll keep an eye out!! Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile:


See! Told ya she’s the hoggie whisperer. And btw, we all love pictures!

Just sayin……. :sunglasses:


I have a bunch of 1 inch cardboard tubes for my tunnel loving House Snake, and I bet those would also be a hit with your hoggie. You can rearrange them endlessly for him to explore, and if he fouls one, toss it in the composting heap and replace it. I buy them in a bag of 25 online.

Editing to add- you can probably get 1 inch or suitable sized plastic pipe meant for potable water (ergo it cannot leach plastic-chemicals it has to be human safe) and cut little tubes of that to put in an enclosure that is more moist or gets sprayed widely, and then if the snake poops on one, you can wash it and put it right back.