Any info on these genes combined before?

Hello, i put a cinnamon mojave x black axanthic het pied and got a very interesting hatchling and am wondering if anyone has done this before ?


Looks to be a paradox cinnamon Mojave.


Do you have photos of the parents? Is there a chance maybe one was misidentified?
Het pied can sometimes fudge an animals markings a bit also. Or there’s a different gene sometimes floating around some cinnamon pieds called sandblast. It definitely has a strong reaction with het pied. I would be consider that a very likely candidate.

I think @akmorphs is one of the best to ask about the posibility of it being het blk axanthic related as well.

As a explaination of sandblast… here’s a pastel cinny het pied I picked up that I am working to prove the sandblast on. As opposed to his pastel cinny het pied brother.



Those are the only photos i have of the parents

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I think @logar and @armiyana are both correct. I think this looks more like a paradox sandblast cinnamon mojave pos dh black ax pied. Because it has all the ringers, I wouldn’t say it’s 100% het pied because that could be paradoxing at play or sandblast. I’d highly recommend it getting shed tested for het pied at least to see if it proves. It is overall a very cool looking hatchling! :tada: