I have a couple of Sunglow boas the male I was told was a Kahl Sunglow possibly a coral line. (Bottom pic)
The female I have no idea on besides she’s a Sunglow (top pic)
I’m curious if there is a way to tell what they actually are Kahl, Sharp, Coral… I’m hoping some body on here would have some insight on the subject.
There is no way from looking at them to tell if they are Kahl or Sharp line albinos.
The two albino genetics are not compatible, so if you breed them, you will get normal looking babies het for albino. But you won’t know which albino they’re het for.
Some people who have seen both Kahl and Sharp boas for many years can give you their opinion on what albino it is. But it’s still just a 50/50 guess. My guess is both are Kahl albino by their looks to me.
Also, I see markers I look for in super hypos in your female. So there is a small chance she is a super hypo. If she is a super, then whatever you breed her to, all the babies will be hypos. The best way to prove that out would be to breed her to an albino. This way, all the babies will be sunglows.
Coral is a selectively bred polygenic trait.
Coral is just a high red, orange, purple color in the Kahl albino. It’s like the pastle lines. Pastle is not a genetic trait. It’s just a line breed color. There are lots of Pastle lines out there now. Everyone who makes a red boa wants to name it something it seems like now a days.
Pete Kahl was the first breeder to produce a coral boa and name it coral.
There may be genetic testing now for Kahl and Sharp albino boas. I’m not sure you would have to do a little research to find out if there is.
You could always breed your two boas when the female is bigger. If you get albino babies from her, then you know she is a Kahl albino. If you get normal babies, please be truthful in their description to people when selling them.
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