I took advice and cut the eggs on day 57 today is day 62 and none have come out. Anyway to know if they are still alive and may still come out? There is no odor at all and clear liquid in the egg still
You can take something that isn’t sharp and gently poke the snake and look closely for any movement. Or you can gently grab a loop of their body and carefully lift part of the snake out of the egg (but don’t take the snake completely out of the egg. What was your incubation temp?
They start to stink really quickly if they perish in the egg. As the other user suggested just poke them and see if they move.
temperature is set to 88
I definitely wouldn’t have cut them unless they started to pip on their own, because if they’re not finished developing they aren’t going to be ready to come out, and you’ve now introduced a whole bunch of bacteria into a warm, nutrient rich environment. I had a clutch a couple years ago that I incubated at 88 and they didn’t come out until day 70. Which they did just fine on their own
This is key.
Did any of them pip before you cut? At 88 sometimes they won’t pip until closer to day 65.
If the membrane inside the eggs seem like they may have dried a little bit you can carefully add a couple drops of purified drinking water from a fresh bottle. Do not use anything but purified drinking water or sterile saline.
When people cut on a certain day without pips they generally have a lot of experience with the incubators they use and hatching…but it’s still not recommended because of issues like this. If they detach from the yolk stalks too early they can fail to thrive because they won’t receive enough nutrients. Or you introduced bacteria that can build up in there with them while they’re waiting to hatch out on their own.
Everyone else has you covered on info, I just want to say…
…I’d be highly skeptical of any further advice from someone who told you to cut if they hadn’t yet pipped. Nature knows what it’s doing, trying to speed things along will only ever cause problems.
Let us know when they come out of their eggs