Anyone attempted a Rosy Sand Hybrid?

I got to thinking this morning about the genetic possibilities of breeding a male Sand to a female Rosy and seeing if anything would come of it. I know they are in the same family but different general… But then so are Balls and Burmese and haven’t they been successfully mixed together?

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I haven’t heard of anyone attempting that, but I am curious if they would produce fertile offspring. I know a couple of folks have crossed boa constrictors to anacondas successfully, but I believe all of the offspring have proven sterile. Of course Boa constrictors and anacondas are not nearly as closely related to one another as kenyan sand boas and rough scaled boas.

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The issue is the habitat differences, even if offspring is infertile (kinda prefer it since it’s an interesting experiment). Rosy’s needs are different with at the least humidity than Sands. Do you happen to know if the needs and actions of the male and female are similar?

I’ve never cross bred much less bred anything but the more I talk the more I wanna try.

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Balls and Burms are both in the same genus: Python. So they are actually pretty closely related to one another, taxonomicly speaking.

But I guess, more to your point, balls have been hybridized to carpets (genus Morelia) and womas (genus Aspedities) so, at least as far as pythons are concerned, intergenus hybrids are possible.
Biggest determinant in compatibility would be chromosome count and I have no knowledge of what those are for rosies of KSBs

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Yeah I got no clue on chromosome count either. I’m sure someone’s documented it at some point just haven’t looked it up to see.

So I am gonna attempt this eventually. Looking for a loaner female Rosy or an adult to buy that isn’t to expensive. A friend who is a breeder and has more connections than me is on the lookout as well. If anyone is interested in this long term project let me know and I’ll keep yall updated.