Male P. baroni
Active, Green and Arboreal
Lol I love the pathos!
Also loving the rhino rat!
It’s Baron’s racer I do have Rhinos too
He has a planted set up so lots of plants
What?! His nose looks gorgeous! Lol
Wow what a beautiful species.
He gorgeous!! A blue baron is my dream snake I hope to get one within the next year.
If you don’t mind my asking, how do you care for them?
I’ve found it’s extremely difficult to find up to date care info on barons. I know a few people locally that keep and breed the species and they said almost the same care as far as temps and humidity as a corn snake.
Hey cool. I am a huge fan of green snakes so went with a green. They are easy to care for indeed and many say like a corn. My difference is that I have a more arboreal, planted set up. I use UV and LEDS. They are very hardy, very eager to feed and handle able if you put in the effort to work with them. My guy as in a live planted the humidity can spike but it dries out during the day. They aren’t sensitive to humidity changes. I liken mine to jap rat snakes in terms of how arboreal they are. Never see them on the ground
Thank you so much for your reply! My plan when I get one has always been a larger vertically oriented bioactive enclosure. I’ve never heard uvb mentioned for them, but with them being diurnal I’m sure it’s safer to have it either way and I’ll definitely include it!
I have 72 snakes all now under UV. Everything is they thrive under it. I use arcadia shade dwellers and they use it to bask
Ok awesome! My local reptile shop carries a ton of Arcadia lights so I’m sure they’ll have it!
That sounds awesome
urrm make that 73
Wait wait. Who’s the new addition?
rehome royal. This years by the look. He’s a pastel fire called “Tito”
Just done a thread about the 7 animals we took on today