Asking price

I was wondering what was a good asking price for my male orange ghost granite 50%het Carmel albino 50%het genetic stripe


I would say start at 325 if it doesn’t sell then lower it to 300 and so then if it doesn’t sell lower it again it’s hard to price but the closest thing I have to go in is a orange ghost granite 100% het caramel albino that sold for 300

Look on MM for price ideas.


I tried looking but there is nothing with the same genetics to compare prices

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Then you take the next closest thing. An orange ghost granite 100% het pied was only $300, same with an orange ghost granite 100% het caramel albino. 2 poss hets (especially caramel albino given the issues the gene has) don’t net much of a price increase from the other 2 morphs included. I would say $300 is an alright price given he has some size to him.


Ok thank you for the help