Assorted questions about shipping and laws

Alright so to start this, I’m considering moving to Ireland and have quite a few questions about reptiles that I can’t seem to find a good answer to.
First question, I have current reptiles, would anyone know how to go about shipping them over there? Or what service to use ect.
Secondly, lets say I start breeding and selling my own reptiles there. Would I need special permits to ship them throughout the EU? And what service/who could I go through to ship them?
Lastly, can anyone give me a good source for the legality of species in Ireland, always got to make sure it’s legal too keep what I have here, there.


Hello @snakelizard12! Wow what a move that would be! I am sure you could find the information you seek by searching the net for laws regarding reptile keeping in Ireland as well as how to transport them there.

As for me I would not know a thing about any of it. I just want to say I am excited for you! I hope things work out! :pray:


Oh yeah, definitely going to be a very big change! Believe me I’ve
tried finding the info online, and google has proved very unhelpful, though I’m definitely going to keep digging if I have to


Well hopefully someone here will have information about you and trying to do. @banereptiles Nathan do you have any suggestions? :thinking:

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I don’t know much about Irelands rules and regulations regarding reptiles unfortunately. Sorry, thanks for asking me though. I have had to use an exporter before, and I am sure you will find out a lot of info by finding an exporter in/or exports to Ireland. For sure you will have to use one, anyway so you should start looking now, they tend to be weeks to months out/unavailable. Sometimes they wait for several orders before exporting, judging by my experiences anyway. There has to be somewhere to get rules and regulations regarding pet ownership? :thinking:

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