Babies of pink /white and Lilly white? Could they be lavender based?

Here are a couple of the hatchlings. Claude and Malta. They look almost lavender based compared to the others. I wasn’t sure what to say. I am sure Malta is a partial pinstripe, but what about the yellowish lavender - Claude - is he a yellow flame would you say? Lavender based? They are only a couple of months old at this point so it may be too early to tell.

Edited it to add some more up close photos of March hatchlings. What would you call these morphs?


Both are partial pinstripe harlequins, first one looks like a potential het empty back, but maybe not - it’s too early to say whether they’re lavenders as hypo is a trait that progresses as they grow - my lavender used to fire black as coal when he was a juvenile, but he lightened up as he reached adulthood and now he doesn’t fire darker than a steel grey, and he rarely fires at all


Thank you! Very interesting feedback. My first year breeding. I appreciate all the responsiveness and warmness in this community. For Claude, I would have called him a yellow flame? I am not sure, maybe as they grow it will become more clear. I have another post with their mother and someone commented she was a red extreme harlequin with possible hypo. Are we allowed to post websites in this forum? I haven’t listed any of the babies yet, but once they are up, I thought it would be a good place to get feedback and correct their titles if I made a mistake.

Here’s the mom! :blush:




Neither of them look like yellow bases imo (but they sometimes surprise you) and he’s got too much pattern on his laterals - flames have little to no pattern on their laterals :blush:


Both Harley partial pins,

Bottom pos lav or carrying hypo atleast I’d say, keep an eye as it grows, how does it fired? X