Baby Crestie hatched here at Fox Reptiles

Woke up to this cheeky Crestie.

Unfortunately, this Crestie decided it couldn’t wait for it’s sibling, so dig it up and rolled it over :scream:

I checked and carefully rolled the egg back but I am worried :tired_face: doesn’t look like it was that way for long, but I’m still worried.


Very cute :relaxed:

And don’t worry at all, it’s time to come out now!

When I’m checking the eggs I roll obviously when looking to see how much of a window is left. That’s how I know when they don’t have long until they appear! :grin:

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How cute :heart_eyes:

Thanks, that is reassuring to know :sweat_smile:

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It’s super cute! The egg should be fine, there’s hardly any fluid left at this point, so the chance that it would drown or cause a problem is extremely low.


Thanks for the reassurance.

Second baby has now hatched so all is good :grin:


I love that one! Another lily!


Yep, ratio are one of each so far for both clutches. I’m so excited to see them grow :relaxed:

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Yay for more babs! :blush:


This baby is soooo nice :heart_eyes:


Baby crested geckos are sooo cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Super nice! I love that lily!

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Thank you all for your comments, I’m super happy with this pairing and I cannot wait to see the babies grown on, plus see more babies.

I plan to use this thread for any updates or future babies from this pairing, rather than creating new ones as titles are limited lol


Woohoo! The little hat on the Lily. :joy:

They’re absolutely beautiful! I’m so excited for you!

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