Baby Crestie

Finally got a baby Crestie and it’s a Lilly White :heart_eyes:

It’s so tiny, I’m scared it’s going to escape through the air holes :smirk:


That’s awesome! I’m super excited for you! I was paranoid about the air holes too and covered them with screen, lol. The baby is super cute! Hopefully you’ll have another baby soon. :crossed_fingers:


Thanks, the last pic is how I found the lil one snuggled up to its clutch mate egg.

I am so excited :grin: I can’t wait for it to shed.

I think I put too much in the enclosure and I’m going to struggle to find it tomorrow :sweat_smile:

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A lot of the time my cresties are hidden and I can’t see them. I don’t have quite that much in the enclosure (bamboo, fake plant, and egg carton pieces) and they often opt for hides I have on the ground.

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I put some food & small water bowl in, out of habit lol

It’s hidden under a fake leaf ATM, which is close to where I put it. I expect is warn out but I’m sure it will move about more in no time.

It reacted to my youngest son being noisy & crazy (crazy few hours before he crashes to bed) :sweat_smile: without freaking out too much so I’m feeling good :grin: and was happy to be held and still curious all at once

I expected it to be jumpy, esp with a noisy child about :sweat_smile: but was quite happy in my hand


Yay finally!! :black_heart:
Oooh soooo cute too :heart_eyes:


Thank you :relaxed:


Please update this with growing updates! So happy for you to get your first bubba :smiling_face_with_tear:


Omg so freaking cute! Baby cresties really are the cutest little things. :heart_eyes: Congratulations!!


Will do & thanks :grin:

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Yay!!! Congratulations @foxreptile! She is precious :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I can’t wait to see her grow up for you.



Quick pic this morning, it looks so lost in its enclosure


Isn’t it crazy how TEENY they are?! I keep them in a critter keeper for a few weeks until they’re big enough to not be able to potentially squish themselves through the air holes. I’m sure they’d be fine, but I’m paranoid. :upside_down_face:

So stinking cute though! I’m so glad you finally got one! :purple_heart:


I weighed up the options, but can clearly see the Cresties head & body can’t get through so thought I’d pop it straight in. I’ve got 2 small exo terras should I worry, but they are bio-active.

I just can’t believe how tiny :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it looks incredible lost in the enclosure :sweat_smile:

I just want to get it out and hold it, but I’m going to leave it to rest for a few days.

Clutch mate hasn’t hatched yet :egg: hopefully won’t be long :crossed_fingers:


Clutch mate has arrived


Congrats! Are you planning to put them in the same enclosure or different enclosures?


Currently they are separate but I’m thinking of putting them together once I know they are both eating. I can’t decide.

Storage I know if they are eating but together gives then early socialising

More pics

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I’ve been keeping mine seperate just to give them more space, but I’m running out of room, lol. That baby is super cute!

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I had originally thought that but the babies look far too tiny to be in there by themselves :sweat_smile:

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I keep each clutch together :black_heart:
Always have done, usually until they go to new homes too unless boys who mature quick!