Need help with a couple babies that came from a Male Black Pastel Mojave Ghost to a Female Butter Pastel chocolate enchie. The Female was sold to me as a Butter Pastel. After this breeding I now know she has enchie and chocolate gene so I will not be making the paring again. In saying that I need help with the id of a couple babies

My opinion: image 1410/1411: BP Enchi (??) 1413/1414: Pastel/Lesser Chocolate Mojave
I could be 100% wrong but this is just what I think I’m seeing!
@reptile_sam Lesser and Mojave together are Blue Eyed Lucy. So that would not be correct for those hatchlings.
@cwpoexotics Are there photos of the parents? Also is it possible the female was het Hypo/ghost as well?
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Oh duh right, so maybe pastel chocolate Mojave if that’s a reasonable guess