Okay I got a Baby leopard gecko And when he/she walks its like their head is unbalanced its seeming like they are swinging of or it’s falling like they were malnourished or its head is to big for its body we arenot sure if it’s enigma syndrome we are net to geckos but have been adamantly looking into information!!
I’m very concerned but don’t have any reptile vets close can anyone help here a a picture of them as well
Hi! They’re a cute little critter!
Alright, so, it honestly sounds like some sort of spinal issue or something? But it could be MBD or enigma syndrome, or some brain damage.
Where did you get him/her? How long ago? What’s the morph? How long have you noticed the issue?
I got them from a pet store they told me he’s just a leopard gecko and I noticed on the car ride home
Hmm. Okay… they’re really too little to figure out the morph, but I’m sure it’s not enigma or anything like that. If it’s from a pet store then it’ll probably be a normal tbh.
I’d suggest just keeping an eye on the little guy and giving them special care while you still see the head wobbling…and if you CAN find a reptile vet I highly suggest it. But, I’m really thinking it’s a brain issue. He might’ve numbed his head during transportation or something like that…it could be fatal, it could go away. You never know. Just give them some special care, keep an eye on them, and give us lots of updates!
On a brighter note, what’s his/her name? They’re a cutie!
We decided on eclipse lol ironic but the circle on his back really made up automatically name them that lol
And thank you so much
I LOVE that name!! The circle on the back makes it even better too!!! I actually named my geckos first clutch the Eclipse Clutch just because the event was so amazing!!!
Hey no problem! Happy to help!
Cute little critter Without actually seeing the “wobble” it is difficult to accurately assess the issue. However it sounds like something neurological……
Since you now are a reptile owner, the next best thing to do is find a reptile vet. The “wobble” may work itself out but you never know what could happen with these little guys that cannot be diagnosed/treated without a vet’s care……
Thank you I didn’t see a way to post a video
I am not sure that’s allowed here. I think you have to post on YouTube first and then post it here but I have no clue how to do it. But the way you described it gives a fairly good idea of what might be going on.
Just make sure it eats and uses all its faculties. That’s about all you can do until the wobble starts to get worse……
Super cute little one. Normal phase with a ‘jungle pattern’ giving them the circle on the back.
They look healthy from photos. There’s nothing that I’m really seeing standing out as an issue. Even the head is sitting at a normal angle.
Is there a way you can record the baby walking and show us this wobble? Posting a video to YouTube and linking here can work.
I would make sure to offer a good variety of feeders and offer calcium and vitamins to the little one. They could be starting with a case of Metabolic Bone Disease because they look like they may have had a growth spurt recently.