Baby Snake Keeper

Hi everyone! I’m a new snake keeper as of January this year, and I’m so excited to have started my journey with snakes. My entire life has actually been centered around dogs, from my father breeding them while I was a child, to working with them at my local shelter in animal enrichment. Even now I have two knuckle-heads chilling in my yard.

Snakes have seemed to captivate my heart in the same manner as canids have, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Right now I’m a mother of three weird little worms: two female anthrystic kenyan sand boas, (Shuri and Okoye), and one male ribbon snake named Dennys. If all goes well, I’ll have a baby garter snake to add to the family soon enough. Hi all!


Welcome to the forums and nice little snakes you’ve got! Not a bad little trio to start and goodluck on your future reptile endeavors!

@raine_21 In a similar boat. All Ive ever had including currently are dogs. Hoping to get my 1st ever reptile (likely an Uromastyx geyri lizard) later this year hopefully. Your snakes are cute. What kind of dogs did your father breed and what kind of dogs do you have?

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Hello and welcome! Great looking legless kids you’ve got there.


Welcome to the community. There’s a great group of folks here and we’re happy to have you.