After a very successful Boa litter last month there’s more! The first of 2 bp clutches in my incubator has finally hatched, the pairing was a Pastel het. Pied X Banana pastel pied het. Clown.
Unfortunately I’m pretty sure I got scammed and the female isn’t het pied after all, anyways all of the babies look great and there is clown in her apparently…
I would advise you to read up on your genetics a bit more when you’re working on breeding.
While yes… You didn’t hit that chance of a pied…
You hatched a VISUAL clown. A super pastel visual clown.
Both parents are het clown.
I would consider having the parents both shed tested to be sure to rule out any concerns. If you accidentally ended up with a double het clown Pied pair, that’s pretty neat.
Appreciate the response, the male genetics are 100% correct, he was bought from a reputable dealer with knowledge of his parents and previous breedings, The female was bought from a random guy as a proven “pastel het. pied”. I was thinking that some do look clown but rejected that idea due to the genetics but I’ve also got to admit, that messing up the genetics as a biology student is embarrassing…
Also, just because you didn’t hit a pied doesn’t mean she isn’t het for pied. As @armiyana mentioned, it would be worth getting her tested.
You have one clown for sure; the super pastel clown. The rest are not clown
There may be het clowns within the rest, but of course that would have to be tested to know