Ball Python breeding

First time breeder here with a question, how many months is it from introducing the male to seeing multiple locks to having eggs on the ground? Needing to know about how long it takes from a lock to eggs on the ground. Thank you guys.

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I didn’t have a records system before my females had already laid so I don’t have specifics, but these are a few people who can help.
@saleengrinch @ballornothing @chesterhf

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Just because she bred doesn’t mean she will lay. You can usually tell where they are development wise based on where she is spending most of her time. If she is cool seeking she’s still building and you have a minute. Have you observed an ovulation? There is for sure no set in stone schedule they do things on there own time lol.


As Shaun has mentioned, locks don’t necessarily correlate to production. She has to build follicles and ovulate. Best case 3-4 months, worst case, the following season and beyond.
This is the most well written breeding “guide” on the internet. Follow it closely and you will get an understanding of where you’re at in the cycle.


I took pretty meticulous notes on my clown clutch last year and the whole process from start to finish took almost 10 months, but I’m sure there’s plenty of variability.

January 2nd - noticed building behavior
March-May - paired and locked multiple times with male
May 11th - Maternity photoshoot/baby shower
June 1st - Ovulation
June 20th - Pre-lay shed
August 8th - eggs laid
October 14th - eggs started hatching (took a while because I incubated at 87)


Thats awesome :joy:

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She looked like a queen


I have had girls ovulate and lay within a month or so of breeding but that was me watching for the building signs… I also girls that are on their second breeding season with no eggs. There is no rules and they don’t read the rule book anyway so its only a guess unless you are watching for building, and have an ultrasound (or are really good at palpating, I am not because I have tiny hands) to monitor the follicle size.

It really depends on how fast their follicles develop/grow. I had a girl in the past that I bred for two years and never laid. Had another that ovulated after one lock. In general, I would say 6-7 months from first lock to laying eggs.
This is my first year using an ultrasound, so I can see that I have some girls follicles that are growing rapidly, and some that are growing slowly or staying at the same size.


That is an awesome investment :sunglasses:


It’s definitely going to be paying itself off this year. I have a female I wasn’t even thinking about breeding this year, decided to ultrasound her in November and found she had 12mm follicles, as of yesterday she’s at 22mm.
Red Stripe x Banana Cypress


That’s a killer pairing! Can’t wait to see that clutch!

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